Tuesday, 23 February 2010

How to lose customers - don't give them what they want

This BBC News story about Odeon cinemas is fascinating in the context of the previous post, the common sense drive to shorten pre-release windows to satisfy consumer demand and try and reduce illegal downloading.

Taking a strangely anti-consumer stance, Odeon cinemas won't be showing Tim Burton's new film Alice in Wonderland because its producer, Disney, wants to shorten the time between cinema release and DVD release from current average 17 weeks to 12 weeks.

I have doubts that a business model seemingly based on you-have-to-watch-a-film-here-because-you-don't-have-a-choice rather than we-want-you-to-watch-a-film-here-because-the-experience-is-more-amazing-than-you'll-find-anywhere-else is very smart.

I hope they remain in business long enough to see the error of their ways.

UPDATE 25/2/10 - it seems that Odeon have seen the light and changed their minds. Good for them.

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